Meet the Founder of 5×5 Lab- John Karling

John Karling is the Technical Design Director of 5×5 Lab, the web design/development agency he helped found. 5×5 Lab works with clients in North America, the European Union and China. Public, private and non-profit clients use 5×5 Lab to improve their websites, online marketing and ecommerce abilities.

“I spent some time learning engineering at Georgia Tech, got my business degree at Haslam College, and then found myself getting a Masters in Printing from Quad/Graphics! While I enjoyed working with publishers and catalogers, the advent of digital allowed me to see that print would quickly fade against the bright light of the internet. So I embraced that change and started work with the GlobalSpec search engine, Amazon Marketplace, then Hearst Digital. Those experiences taught me that rapidly changing technology can create opportunities for those who understand those changes and can effectively communicate them to their clients. I created 5×5 Lab to serve businesses who don’t want to hire a staff of programmers, designers and marketers. We improve our client’s visibility online, promote their products and services, and can even handle their online commerce operations.” -John Karling

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